Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Day 286 - Mirror Mirror on the wall

Am I fairest than last week?

My reflection on the mirror has changed drastically. It is really confusing when I look at myself.

I have been on the diet again and I see my face thinner. JUST IN 6 DAYS. I do not know if it's my poor perception of myself or if I'm really loosing weigh fast. 

Tomorrow I will be weighing in. I have no expectations, although I have received several compliments. 

I ask my father three days ago, if he noticed any change on my face, or if it was my dismorphia. His answer was: Your face is not that bitter.. all the muscles in your face are relaxed, you look happy. 


Really dad? I just needed a yes or no answer. But maybe he was right. Maybe eating in a compulsive obsessive way makes me bitter cause I know it's wrong, and I shouldn't do it. It was an interesting point of view. 

I've been eating all my greens and envelopes. Some meat every other day, but once I make a decision, I go with it all the way. 

We'll see tomorrow how it goes. 

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