Thursday, February 21, 2013

Night 4 - I cannot sleep. Here are some pictures

NOT PICTURES OF ME! silly silly!...Food pictures!: 

It's funny how I have been looking for other PRONOKAL experiences, and just found ONE from Mexico. A guy called Ferchu.. it was interesting on the first four days, then he started being so detailed and then on the 9th day, he stopped blogging.
Really a shame. We could all have learned a bit more from his day by day experience. But this is what I will do, I will keep posting for the next four months and keeping track of my advance. 

So as I promised, here are the images I have with a brief explanation: 

NO Breads (Provenzal and natural) images, but I promise I will add them as soon as I find them!

Day 4 - I wanna drink water all night... (and party every day!)

07:00 - Strawberry Drink - Concentrate...use your sinus to AVOID THE TASTE.. I pinched my nose and swallowed as fast as I could. Pheww. Water please. 

10:00 - Crepes with a pinch of cinnamon and Sween N low - Ate it fast. IT was good, but the aftertaste on every meal is getting a liitle bit disgusting. 

13:00 - THE BREADDD THE BREADDDD - I tried to change flavors, I added oregano before cooking and added cooked tomatoes... 


I could not eat it. I ate the tomatoe and yesterday, my friend told me that in case of anxiety, I could freeze water with ONE lemon and sweet N low, and make a popsicle. 

The popsicle was tasteless but it helped me with the hunger. 
More water please. 

16:00 - Vanilla Pudding -  Seriously, I could have not made the WORST descicion on picking these puddings. I'm suffering them. I made it a little bit more liquidy, so I could drink it without tasting it. 

Water please. 

19:00 -  Chicken Nuggets and nopales - My fave. This time the nuggets were cooked on the oven. Crispier and the nopales were grilled. Good one. STILL after eating the nuggets, there is a strange flavour, just like the other products, like medicine like. I guess it's the protein thingy. 

Water please 

22:00 - Vanilla Pudding AGAIN?!?!?! Oh no no no no no no no no. I'm changing it for a malt shake. 

More water thankyou. 

I am feeling particularly thirsty. VERY thirsty. Is it the Ketosis? Don't know. 

Blood sugar levels are going down. Slowly but surely

Monday: 175
Today: 131

Stomach has reduced itself considerably. 

Im going to get more water... I'm feeling hot. is it hot in here?  

Good night.