Monday, March 11, 2013

Day 22 - Sweet dreams are made of this

I have been experiencing TERRIBLE nightmares. 

Always the same recurring ones. I find myself eating something I am not allowed and I suffer, but I mean, LITERALLY suffer in the dream, because I had broken out of Ketosis. 

In one, I looked down on a plate with two -scrumptious- quesadillas, and they both had 2 bite marks. I literally cried (in the dream) because I could not remember at what time I had bitten those. Woke up really agitated. 

Today, I dreamt I ate a deliciuos vintage chocolate lollipop, somehow I was with a family Dr., talking to him, and sucking sucking CHEWING! the chocolate, and then he said:

"You're not being a good girl!"
"Yes I am" I said, "Why do you say that? 
"Because you are eating a chocolate and your Ketosis has gone!"

I ran into a bathroom and spit what I had inside my mouth rigth to my hand, then tried to throw up, but he told me: "There's no use, it's already in your stomach"

Of course, I woke up almost sweating and with an anguish I couldn't understand until I was full y awake. 

The Diet Dr. explained to me this would be frequent and it is ABSOLUTELY normal, the brain and body are experiencing losses and that's how they cope. 


Day 22 - Weigh in

Woke up. 
Jumped out of bed.
Ran towards the scale.




No. no no no no.
No no no no no. This can't be. 
Got off the scale. 
Got up again. 

The same 182.8 lbs. 

So the results for today are: 

Februray 18 - 194.8
March 11 - 182.8

21 days - 12 pounds. (5.44 kilograms)

So frustrated. I thought I would be going faster!, The Dr. said I would loose almost 18 pounds a month. That's the goal. 

I heard today every body is different and goes at it's own pace. But this time, I don't care. I want to go faster. I wonder if my metabolism has something to do with it. 

I'll ask my friend how many pounds she lost the first month!

I can't handle frustration!!!