Saturday, March 16, 2013

Day 27 - Day-O

Day light come and me wanna go home. 

As much as I wanted to run home to bed, I bravely stayed at the mall. Yes, I went out to the mall and ate at a restaurant... with LOTS of food.. steak and a buffet.. mashed potatoes...

But I was brave enough to ask the waiter to heat up my salsa, got my nuggets out, poured the salsa, prepared my orange drink and eat some nopales and zuccinni, while I watched my dad eat in front of me!

A neverending Buffet!

At first, the smell was driving me nuts, but after my 5th taste of nuggets, I calmed down and then the craving went away. I actually did not finished all my nopales and then the hunger and craving, went away.

I guess I am in the Ketosis Zone right now. And Im looooving it!!!