Thursday, April 11, 2013

Day 53 - Anyone Hungry? NOT ME!!!

So today I left home early, it's the first time in months I dared to use jeans with out a cover, meaning no blazer or sweater or anything else. Just my blouse. 


It's the first time in more than one year I went to a friends house to have lunch (well, to see her eat lunch along with her family which INCLUDED CHOCOLATE CAKE).

Her house is two hours away from here. And I did a horrible mistake. 

I did not take enough envelopes. 

It was an unplanned visit, and I was already half way there, so I thought there would be veggies I could eat with my organe drink. 

There wasn't. 

But I did not felt hungry AT ALL. 

Ketosis mode: ON

Of course, I came running back home and had my veggies and soup, but I felt good going out and being again with tridimentional people. 

I fell good.