Sunday, March 31, 2013

Day 42 - Waiting

Waiting for tomorrow, for the weigh in. 

Today I am not that passionate about the weigh loss. 

I just want to avoid frustration....

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Day 41 - Restaurants and Restaurants

Today, in an unplanned day, I ended up with friends eating at restaurants. 

No, not eating. Watching. 

At lunch, my four friends ordered this massive plate with meats, cheese, nopales and more meat!! OHH MY LORD! The smell almost made me jump inside it and gobble up E-VERY-THING. 

But no. 

I asked for a cup of hot water, poured my soup envelope and drank it. Also, I asked for mineral water. 

I could cope with that big test. 

Then at night, we went to a TACOS restaurant. I wanted to cry, I only had an orange drink envelope and that would not be enough!!

I remembered the had nopales there, so I ordered 3 plates. One after the other. But it calmed my anxiety and the hunger I felt. 

I think I am handling it good so far. 
Let's see on monday how the weigh in goes. 

Friday, March 29, 2013

Day 40 - Liquid food

So, I knew this time would come, where I would finally realize I'm just eating liquids. Besides vegetables, all the envelopes I consume are liquid. Soup, maltshakes and juices. 
I am not complainig, but I will soon need solids again. 

This weekend I will try and do the other envelopes I did not like in another way to see if the texture and flavour changes. 

❤ I really hope this blog helps other people around the world, who are doing this diet. 

Outrageous!: I foud out there is no Pronokal in other countries in America. Just Mexico. I think I could get a franchise for Argentina... LOL!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Day 39 - Hungry Eyes

Today I had to run a few errands, like going to the supermarket and pharmacy for the corresponding items. 

I hated every minute of it. I saw the chocolates on the candy isle and the chocolates near the cashier. 

I suffered, imagineing the flavour and taste of each and every one of them. 


Although I knew I could binge on every single one of them, I knew I just couldn't eat and break the ketosis. Really, that is the ONLY thing that's stopping me right now. 

Eventhough I had on my purse a chicken noodle soup and orange drink envelope, my mouth salivated like a rabid dog thinking of chocolates. THOSE chocolates. 

I ate the soup, drank the orange drink and kept it calm for a while. 
Then I came home and saw delicious cookies called "Garabatos" my family had bought. No mercy at all. But I still had to hold on tight and ran for a maltshake. I prefered to eat one extra envelope that eat something I shouldn't. 

It's getting harder and harder each day. I'm ending my fifth week on sunday, just eleven more weeks to go, or 89 days, but ¿who's counting?. 

Day 38 - Forbidden Fruit

So today for the first time, I craved fruit. A tangerine to be more specific. 

I returned to Pronokal Headquarters to see if the maltshakes had arrived. 

And they had. 

So I bought 4 6-packs and exchanged NEW boxes I had bought last week. I'm getting tired of Nuggets and Potato cream, so I changed them for chicken noodle soup and orange drinks. 

So, I ended with only soups and drinks. I don´t know if this is going to be good, but It's what I like right now. 

Sometimes I look back at the old envelopes I have in storage and couldn't be exchanged. I add up the $$ I spent and It's a lot. 

I am seriously considering eating them somewhere near the future. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Day 37 - Ice Ice Baby

So today I discovered the pleasure of ice on a blender with an envelope of Chocolate drink or orange drink. 


It ws like a frappe, and it totally gives a different texture to the drink, making it velvety and just like a thick maltshake. 

The orange one remembered me of the oldie 80's drink: "Orange Julius"

Yes indeed. 

Monday, March 25, 2013

Day 36 - Weigh In

Woke up. 
Today I did NOTjumped out of bed and ran towards the scale. 
Got the scale out and saw my weight. 
I was so asleep, I saw my weight but did not understood how many pounds I had lost. I didn't had my chart anywhere near to see the difference. 

Then I saw it. 
Then I got the scale out again and weighed again. 


So the results for today are: 

Februray 18 - 194.8
March 25 - 175.2

Total pounds lost in 36 days:  19.6 pounds. (8.890 kilos)

I feel a small happiness growing inside me. 

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Day 35 - Sssssllllloooooowwwww

Days are going REAL SLOW. It seems sometimes I live just to eat vegetables and diet. today is NOT a good day. Tomorrow is weigh in day, I hope I lost more pounds. 


Day 34 - ¿Again? (and again and again and again)

Just getting tired of the same food over and over again!
But I'm scared of trying new things and not liking them. 


Friday, March 22, 2013

Day 33 - I want Candy (A.K.A. Chocolate)

I am really craving...but I mean a hurting craving for chocolate. Need to look for a susbstitute on the envelopes I have. 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Day 32 - My Milkshake brings all the boys to the yard

Again. Frustration. 

I went to but ALL the corresponding envelopes for the next 21 days. It was a massive crecit card charge, but I guess it's the price of being again healthy. The only thing that really frustrated me was, there were no Milkshakes. 


The only drink I could bare to eat at 8 am, and they were out of it. "We will be getting them until the end of this month" I was angry really. 

So I bought the cocoa drink, which I just tried, like warm cocoa. 
PROTEIN FLAVOR KICKED IN ASAP. This is ridiculous. I had to eat something so I tried really hard to gulp it fast. 

I also, in a rare episode, I felt nausea at 18:00 hrs. I guess it was the Omega kicking in. I wanted to eat something, but I just couldnt I forced myself to drink the cocoa mix, and the sensation went away. 

Let's see when I can get my milkshakes back again!. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Day 31 - Doctor's appointment

Today I went to my routince control check at the doctor´s office. Below I will be posting the results of weight and measurements. 

I had a few questions and NO I cannot do excercise just yet. And this time, OMEGA 3, 4 & 9 was added to my daily dosage of pills. This will help the metabolism speed up a little. 

Also, another doctor joined us, the Psychologist (I'm sorry I can't recall her name). She told me super interesting facts about body perception, for example, once you have drastically lost so much weight, it takes up to 9 months to accept your new figure. This, because for so many years we get used to being fat/obese you get used to measuring dimensions of doors to pass by or chairs to sit on, that your mind takes a while to accept you are not the same dimension as before. 

That's why I look the difference on my body, but not a big difference on it, although it is a fact I have lost a lot of weight and measurements. 

Anyways, let's go to the facts after 30 days: 

* Weight is specified in KILOS
** Measurements in centimeters

Date: 18-Feb 27-Feb 20-Mar TOTAL LOST
Weight 86.4 83 79.2 7.2
Waist 119 103 95 24
Arm 36 34 35 1
Hip 114 111 110 4
Abdomen 119 103 95 24
Chest 112 110 105 7
Thight 61 60 59 2
Chin 47 47 46 1

Well, I guess I am happy about these results, but then again, I do not want to get all happy and stuff cause if I get too excited I know I will stop doing this diet. 

SO: YAY!!.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Day 30 - Give "piece" a chance

Piece of Chocolate Cake

So I decided to give the chocolate cake another chance. This time, instead of cooking it on the microwave, I did it on the oven, in a mini cupcake mold. 

So the texture came out different. Not goosh, but a plastic like texture. 
I added sweet n low. 

I cannot start to explain the taste in my mouth. OK, so the sweetner made it a lot more bitter, but the cake was not a cake, it was plastic. 

Although I have not given up on this cake, I will not try it anytime soon.

I will ask for recipes on this. Maybe next time it will be better. 

Oh, of course, I ate it. 

Here's a pic

Monday, March 18, 2013

Day 29 - Weigh In

Good morning sunshine...

WALKED towards the scale, expecting the worst. 

2.6 Pounds. 

WHAT THE HELL!!!?!?!?!? This is not what I expected. Specially when I´m only eating 5 envelopes and very few vegetables. Well, not " few" strictly the ones allowed. Not even 20 grams extra.

On thursday I have a doctor's appointment. We'll see how many KILOS I'm down according to his scale and if I got down to my one month goal. 


So the results for today are: 

Februray 18 - 194.8
March 11 - 179.2

28 days - 15.6 pounds. (7.076 kilograms)


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Day 28 - Tupperware

Ok. So today it was not a "good idea" day. I went to see a friend and because I was going to be out all day (at least that was the idea), I cooked two sachets of nuggets and nopales, I placed the nicely on a new hellokitty lunchbox, I prepared the orange dring with lots of ice in an ice Hello Kitty thermus and packed a sachet of chicken noodle soup. 

The idea was to be with my friend all day at work, so we were there, talking and doing our nails. But something bothered me. This smell I just couldn't get where it was coming from. 

Really Disgusting. 

Then I remembered. THE TUPPERWARE!!!!! Not a good idea.

I closed in near it. OH MY LORD!!! what was that??? I didn't even wanted to open it. And I had to eat something!!

I refuse to eat THAT. Not a good idea.

So then, everything changed and I had to return home. I opened the tupperware and threw the food away.

I did a cup-a-chicken-noodle-soup and ate it. 

Memo to me: DO NOT EVERRR EVERR AGAIN use that tupperware. ALWAYS take soup or drink when going outside. 

Tomorrow: Weigh in. I'm really looking forward to loose 5 pounds.  No less. 
Having high expectations and NO frustration tolerance. 

**Hope this tip helps anyone doing Pronokal. 

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Day 27 - Day-O

Day light come and me wanna go home. 

As much as I wanted to run home to bed, I bravely stayed at the mall. Yes, I went out to the mall and ate at a restaurant... with LOTS of food.. steak and a buffet.. mashed potatoes...

But I was brave enough to ask the waiter to heat up my salsa, got my nuggets out, poured the salsa, prepared my orange drink and eat some nopales and zuccinni, while I watched my dad eat in front of me!

A neverending Buffet!

At first, the smell was driving me nuts, but after my 5th taste of nuggets, I calmed down and then the craving went away. I actually did not finished all my nopales and then the hunger and craving, went away.

I guess I am in the Ketosis Zone right now. And Im looooving it!!!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Day 25 - Food Glorious Food

I am NOT missing right now andy food. I have discovered the great flavour of cauliflower, and I can have 3 cups of it! YAY! 

Feeling a stomach ache every time I finish eating. Haven´t discovered the reason why. 

In 5 days, it will be a MONTH gone by. It is incredible how fast time goes away. 

Plans for this weekend: 

I am daring to go out for a whole day to a new shopping mall. I will take my lunch and several envelopes just in case. 

I'll inform how it went. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Day 24 - Karma Chameleon

Today there is nothing trascendental to tell. Well, except to share another inspirational story I just heard about. 

Kudos Georgie Boy. 



Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Day 23 - Forever in Blue Jeans

Today was my first afternoon out. and the first time I could wear my blue jeans back again. 
I was showered with compliments. 


Although I did not wanted to believe it so much, I only have lost 13 pounds. Not even close to my 65 goal. I know I am very hard on myself but I cannot allow myself to feel good, otherwise -I know myself- I will abort the diet. And that's not the case. Not this time. 

Being on the monotone diet of milkshakes, soups and drinks (and nuggets) I have nothing more to add regarding food, BUT, today I met with my friend and a friend of hers, who also did the diet a year ago. 

I learned new tricks: 
  1. Always carry TWO extra envelopes when going out. 
  2. Try to have a funnel to add the envelope to the bottled water
  3. NEVER USE CREAM during the treatmeant - this breaks out of ketosis. Do not ask me why. 
  4. Use a girdle
They avidly trie to convince me to go to the gym. I remember that on this diet one cannot do excersie because of the low calorie count, BUT THEN I remembered the doctor told me I should walk for 20 minutes daily. I am still reluctant on going to the gym. Seriously, I do not like it.

Maybe I could try in a few weeks. 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Day 22 - Sweet dreams are made of this

I have been experiencing TERRIBLE nightmares. 

Always the same recurring ones. I find myself eating something I am not allowed and I suffer, but I mean, LITERALLY suffer in the dream, because I had broken out of Ketosis. 

In one, I looked down on a plate with two -scrumptious- quesadillas, and they both had 2 bite marks. I literally cried (in the dream) because I could not remember at what time I had bitten those. Woke up really agitated. 

Today, I dreamt I ate a deliciuos vintage chocolate lollipop, somehow I was with a family Dr., talking to him, and sucking sucking CHEWING! the chocolate, and then he said:

"You're not being a good girl!"
"Yes I am" I said, "Why do you say that? 
"Because you are eating a chocolate and your Ketosis has gone!"

I ran into a bathroom and spit what I had inside my mouth rigth to my hand, then tried to throw up, but he told me: "There's no use, it's already in your stomach"

Of course, I woke up almost sweating and with an anguish I couldn't understand until I was full y awake. 

The Diet Dr. explained to me this would be frequent and it is ABSOLUTELY normal, the brain and body are experiencing losses and that's how they cope. 


Day 22 - Weigh in

Woke up. 
Jumped out of bed.
Ran towards the scale.




No. no no no no.
No no no no no. This can't be. 
Got off the scale. 
Got up again. 

The same 182.8 lbs. 

So the results for today are: 

Februray 18 - 194.8
March 11 - 182.8

21 days - 12 pounds. (5.44 kilograms)

So frustrated. I thought I would be going faster!, The Dr. said I would loose almost 18 pounds a month. That's the goal. 

I heard today every body is different and goes at it's own pace. But this time, I don't care. I want to go faster. I wonder if my metabolism has something to do with it. 

I'll ask my friend how many pounds she lost the first month!

I can't handle frustration!!!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Day 21 - Lollipop

The title is just for fun! (and I LOVE the song)

Today, I will be posting food pictures. I wishI had more, but I will be updating this post soon!

Can't wait until tomorrow - Weigh in day. 

Chicken Nuggets "quenelles", 

suggested by my friends mom, who is an EXCELLENT chef!
I made a tomato sauce just adding water on the blender and once is liquified, I added powder onion and garlic and dehydrated parsley and salt. All the ingredients cooked on a pan, no oil just until the tomato turns from light pink to red. 
Uhh delicious. 

Also, Zuccinni. 

Same quenelles, just added green tomato sauce. 
The zuccinni has olive oil

This is the Orange drink (mineralized water added)

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Day 20 - Dysmorphophobia (Or: "you are beautiful, no matter what they say")

According to wikipedia: 

Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD, also body dysmorphia, dysmorphic syndrome; originally dysmorphophobia) is a type of mental illness, a somatoform disorder, wherein the affected person is concerned with body image, manifested as excessive concern about and preoccupation with a perceived defect of their physical features.[1][2] The person thinks they have a defect in either one feature or several features of their body, which causes psychological distress that causes clinically significant distress or impairs occupational or social functioning. Often BDD co-occurs with emotional depression and anxiety, social withdrawal or social isolation.[3]

I once heard this word from a doctor, a friend of my father. I "accidentaly" read a mail she sent to him, concerned about me. I was shocked. It took me several years to accept this fact. 

Yes. I am dismorphic. I admit it. Totally. I hate my body (even though I have gone through several cosmetic -non sucssesful- procedures like liposuction 10 years ago amongst other surgeries) I don´t have a good perception of myself, in fact, I don't have a perception at all. Just hate my body.

As I saw yesterday the full body pictures from me on February 18th -when I began the diet- I just could not believe how obese I was (am). A "seven month triplets pregnancy" could describe it better. I just cannot believe how I got away with that and not noticing or at least taking it to a conscient level. I'm impressed.  
Being morbidly obese, is not funny. The funny thing is I got fatter like a pregnant woman, so people would think I was pregnant instead of obese. And the worst thing, is that I was ok with that. I could get away with my obesity and prefer to say I was pregnant. 
It's really horrible now that I think about it. But it's all because of the Dysmorphia and not being OK with the shape of  my body. 

I decided I will post pictures at the end of the tratment. My first image taken and the last one, just for dramatic purposes, but until then, these images can say more than words can say:

Day 19 - As Time goes by

It's amazing how time goes by. It's the end of the third week and I'm feeeling just ok. 
Having this week, a strict regime of soup, milkshakes and nuggets (and LOTS of zuccini, sparragus and nopales) I feel like I just got to this weeks finish line.

My friend told me I had to play with the recipes and allowed vegetables. For example, Instead of making "flat" nuggets, make them round, cook them on the oven and then add some tomato sauce, making them taste like meat-a-balls. It sound delicious. Now I have to go and buy tomatoes!!

But to tell you the truth, the salsas have made this food even better. Greentomtao salsa have joined me in almost every meal and it's so good. Its a liitle bit hot, for I add chili and it's more spicy. 

Today's inspiring story: 


Snooki slimdown! Unbelievable how she did it. She looks great! 43 pounds it's just incredible, specially after giving birth. 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Day 18 - Bread and Butter

Just listen while you read.
I thought this can put a little bit of "spice" to your reading. 

So. Ok. I had to go to an event I couldn't say no to. So I bravely took my chicken noodle soup sachet, my milk maltshake and my orange water. 

I really really REALLY thought I could do it. On the event, I opened the bottled water and shaked the orange powder like a polariod. I drank it cold. It was nice. 

Then, at lunch time, we were all going to have lunch on the ONLYE THE MOST LOVED restaurant by me. And I said: SUUUURE, no problem, I'll eat veggies. 

Yeah right. 

I wanted to cry. I opened my soup sachet and drank it fast, I ate the veggies and had the milk shake. But I suffered. I sincerely wasn't ready for it. Everyhting looked SCRUMPTIOUS!!! and I remembered how I binged in that restaurant. Ate until I was sick to my stomach. Now, I only felt melancholy. 

SO for the next weeks, no going out to restaurants, simply too hard handle. I mean, it can be done, but it's too much masochism. 

People are starting to notice and acknowledge it. Not I. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Day 17 - Low Low Low

It seems my Blood sugar levels are going down, slowly, but going down. Today's level 85

I am not alarmed cause the endocrynologyst told me the range would be 130-70 so I am still safe. 
However I cannot help being a li-ttle-bit-scared. This is the lowest I've had it since ever, or at least for the past 4 years. 

So let's see how this week goes wit the soup/juice/nuggets diet goes. I'll try new flavors with the vegetables. 

08:00 am -  Chocolate Milkshake

10:00 am - Chicken noodle soup

13:00 pm - Nuggets with tomatillo salsa (tomatillo is green tomato) Uh! this was SO delicious. I also added some zuccinni. 

I'm scared I will be getting bored of eating so few vegetables. I mean, I can eat like 12 different, BUT I only like 5. I am hoping the condiments will make          ti easier. 

But now I am not scared of liking or not liking the food. I chose all of the sachets I like, now I have to work on my eating skills and leaving behing my gulping skills. Make the food last longer than 64 seconds. you know? CHEW. (LOL!)

17:00 pm - Orange Drink. I have to admit I'm scared. I'm scared that the taste won't be the one I'm expecting. We'll see.

It Was Good! It was actually a nice flavor, and even more, since I stopped eating Orange Juice once I was diagnosed with diabetes II. I loved the flavor.  

We'll see how i goes from now and until March 20, when I have the new Dr's appointment. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Day 16 - Hakuna Matata

Yes, it seems I will have no worries anymore (I hope). 

So I went to get 15 more boxes. Only Soups, orange drink and nuggets. 

This time I asked. 

Yes, I can do "salsas" with the approved vegetables - Which is SOOOO good cause this can give a whole new flavor to the food. 

Yes i Can add Dijon Mustard. Oh! By the way it has to be the NO SUGAR added. I bought the wrong one. As usual. 

And then I went to the supermarket and actually looked around EVERYWHERE. I was only limiting myself to strictly vegetables area, but today I had to look for the stupid Dijon. 

I went through the freezed food, the chocolates, te candy the sodas, and, yes, I went through the halls with no problem at all. 

I'm not feeling hungry. I discovered I only have cravings. 


And because I was used to immediate gratification, I used to stuff my mouth with everything I wanted. And I mean EVERYTHING into my reach, even if it meant Vanilla Frosting (like Godie Hawn in "Death Becomes Her").

So I will be posting some pictures of Pronokal success stories (no, not mine yet) cause they are inspiring. So my friend says. And they totally are. 

Although sometimes I wonder if this is REALLY a final result. 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Day 15 - Thankyou Disillusionment

So today I jumped out of bed to weight in. 

Oh! disillusionment. 

Although it's 2 1/2 pounds, and they ar good, I was expecting to loose MORE pounds, maybe just like last week. 

I don't want to get obsesed with the weight, I have always said that. AND I have to be grateful for the glucose levels, which I registered in 88.

So I'll keep on with the high hopes and won't let this put me down. 


I have been feeling my skin dry. I do not know if this is a side effect, cause I have been consuming lots pf Potasium, Magnesium, Calcium, Sodium and Vitamins (from Pronokal obviously), but it's so dry. Specially my face. 

Also, I have been having breakouts, I'm like a pubert teen. 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Day 14 - Honey, oh Sugar Sugar

It think this is the first time my glucose levels are at 90

At first I thought it was because I had not eaten in 10 hours. But I was sleeping! Sunday are the only days I can rest a while longer.

Although I have been feeding myslef with soups and milkshakes, I feel good. 
A little bit famished at nights but nothing a good vegetable couldn't take away. 

I will be posting a video according to the title. I just thought it would be fun while you read :)

Day 13 - Oh! Loneliness and Cheeseburgers

Love that Comic Guy's  quote from the Simpsons.

It's true, loneliness and cheeseburgers come hand in hand. 

I want a cheeseburger. ¿or do I? 

Been so hungry today. So, besides soups and shakes, I've been stuffing my face with sparragus nopales and cucumbers!

Lately All my food is GREEN!!!

Tuesday I will be going back for some more variety flavors. 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Day 12 - Coping, just Coping

So today´s menu is basically the same as yesterday's. Don't have too much to add, but I went out to do some chores and the restaurant smells... THE SMELLLSSSS!! Those are the worst, but what I do is take a huge whiff and remember how good everything was, and how good everything will be once this is over. 

Also, today I tasted the Watermelon drink with much more water and ICE. It was so much better. I finally had a flavoured drink. Tomorrow I'll probably add some carbonated water (Peñafiel) and see how that works out. 

Envelopes are running out fast. I'll have to go for more on Tuesday.  

PS: My friend keeps telling me I could have some meat and maybe Riccotta cheese with cocoa w/no sugar added to feel as if it was mousse. 

But no. 

I refuse to eat anything else but the diet envelopes...can't do whatever I want. It has to be like it has to be.  

Day 11 - Chocolate WIthrawal

07:00 - Chocolate maltshake

10:00 - chicken noodle soup

13:00 - zucchini potato cream

16:00 - Chicken noodle soup sparragous

19:00 - Nopales

22:00 - Chocolate Malt shake 

Oh my lord, I am feeling so bad, I know is the withrawal, I am feeling extremely sensible and hungy SO hungry it actually hurts. 

Yesterday I did not ate at the specific hours I guess that is what triggered the extreme hunger at the middle of the nght 

Tonight I did not felt like that. I cried though.

Day 10 - I'm not gonna make it....!

Today I have a Dr's appointment. I'm excited to get new products. 

07:00 am - Vanilla Maltshake

10:00 am - Zuccinni and a Hot Cake. 

Oh yes, I threw away the Hot Cake. I jist could not handle the smell. ¿WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? 

16:00 pm - Chicken noodle soup

19:00 pm - Chicken Nuggets

22:00 pm - Nopales

23:00 pm - Chocolate Cake. 
Don´t get me wrong, I have THE BEST intentions to do this, but this cake was also horrendous. 
Even after I added cinnamon. It tasted like IRON!

So, i went to visit the Dr. He said I was going A O.K.!! Among other sizes, I dropped a 16 cms from my waist. 

I am now in the highest form of Ketosis.

I will be sending him a list of my spare envelopes so he can tell other patients and we can exchange them. 

He said it doesn't matter if I stay only with ON E flavour, but seriously, who can live with 6 choclate maltshakes a day? 

I need to try more food so I don't get tierd of this. 
It seems everyting's going good. I'm not letting this one go. This will be the last diet I will ever go to in my life. 

This I promise. 

2:00 am - I am SO HUNGRY!! I can't stand it, all I want to do is eat, run for a Hot Dog run for a Burger a Sandwich.. OMG!! never felt this way. Still, knowing that I can't it 's the only thing that makes this sacrifice worth it. 
My mouth actually hurts.. I'm salivating like a rabid dog. 

I think I will have a soup and see if this feeling calms down. 

And so it did. 

4:00 am - Still can´t sleep. The idea of a binge is haunting me. Badly. I'll try to sleep. 

Day 9 - Quick recap

I'll be quick. I am defenitely trying to exchange this extra envelopes I have. 

Here's todays diet: 

07:00 am - Maltshake

10:00 am - Chicken noodle soup

13:00 pm - Chicken nuggets

16:00 pm - Choclate Maltshake

19:00 pm - Zucchini

Went to bed early, feeling TOO tired and sleepy.