Monday, March 11, 2013

Day 22 - Sweet dreams are made of this

I have been experiencing TERRIBLE nightmares. 

Always the same recurring ones. I find myself eating something I am not allowed and I suffer, but I mean, LITERALLY suffer in the dream, because I had broken out of Ketosis. 

In one, I looked down on a plate with two -scrumptious- quesadillas, and they both had 2 bite marks. I literally cried (in the dream) because I could not remember at what time I had bitten those. Woke up really agitated. 

Today, I dreamt I ate a deliciuos vintage chocolate lollipop, somehow I was with a family Dr., talking to him, and sucking sucking CHEWING! the chocolate, and then he said:

"You're not being a good girl!"
"Yes I am" I said, "Why do you say that? 
"Because you are eating a chocolate and your Ketosis has gone!"

I ran into a bathroom and spit what I had inside my mouth rigth to my hand, then tried to throw up, but he told me: "There's no use, it's already in your stomach"

Of course, I woke up almost sweating and with an anguish I couldn't understand until I was full y awake. 

The Diet Dr. explained to me this would be frequent and it is ABSOLUTELY normal, the brain and body are experiencing losses and that's how they cope. 


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