Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Day 168 - Cetosis Mode OFF!

So I broke cetosis. 

With a Muffin and a Sandwich!! 

I havent feel bad, but mentally, I feel guilty, I see my face in the mirror and I see a fat face. Swollen cheeks and a second chin.... I know It's my dismorphia watching, but I just cant help it. 

I will try to keep this cetosis mode off as lightly as possible. And I will repeat myself over and over to keep calm and to eat small portions. 

But that muffin... was heavenly... I was dancing in the muffin shop while I ate it... I know, it's crazy, but these are the little things in life that make me happy. 

Then again, when I finished and got out of the store... I felt SOOOO bad, and I asked myself: ¿was it really worth it? 


  1. I broke ketosis as well..
    Went on holiday for 8 days and put 4 Kgs back on.
    I felt terrible, because I really ate like a pig. However, after that, it felt great to be able to go back to the sachets without a problem (actually feeling better than ever) and to see how it keeps working and i'm loosing that weight again. I also learnt a a lot from that.
    I hope you are enjoying tons!! :)

    1. Hi!, I am glad you're back on track! How have you been lately? how many pounds lost do far? Hugs!
