Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Day 3 - Feeling like Snow White's 7 dwarfs

Yes, I feel sleepy, hungry, grumpy, & dopey! 

I don't know why I feel extremely tired, most of all sleepy. 

10:00 am - Chocolate Malt shake  AND Chocolate pudding 
Today I was awaken by my assistant telling me I had already missed the 7 am meal. I abruptly woke up piled up all my pills (supplements) injected myself, took my glucose levels, and took the metphormine. Logged in on my diary app and quickly entered all the information. 

I'm not a morning person, especially at eating. I only found myself starving and bingeing at mornings, when I ate a LOT at nights. 
So I did not felt hungry at all, however, I knew I had to eat. I could not skip meals. 

I drank the shake and GULPED the pudding. Today I didn't felt that horrid flavor, but then again maybe it was because of my morning allergies, so I gulped as much as I could before gagging and then I drank water. Basically I forced myself to eat it. 

13:00 pm - Chicken noodle soup and Pickles. I do not remember when I fell asleep again between 10:00 and 13:00, all I know is my assistant woke me up -again- to have lunch. I drank the soup again at lightspeed and chewed and chewed the pickles, which were good. It has been a while since I ate pickles. 

The afternoon runned smoothly. 

16:00 pm - Provenzal Bread with tomatoes. 
Yesterday's bread was AWFUL, so I remembered my friends words: Try putting some condiments on it will give a different flavor to the food. And I did. 


It helped a bit but still the Provenzal bread had this leftover flavor... ugh!.

19:00 pm - Hot Cake. 

OH MY LORDY LORD! For three hours I couldn't stop thinking of food, hamburgers, sodas, chicken ohhh.. EVERYTHING. I tried to watch some TV shows, but watching "The Big Bang Theory" was torture!! They eat on every episode.. deliciuos chinese food! or anything else they can put on their mouths and savour it deliciously! I got my Hot Cake (mixed with cinnamon and artificial sweetener) and it tasted like heaven. Loved it!

22:00 pm - Chocolate (or vanilla I can't remember) Maltshake. Looking forward for that one. 


I took full body pictures to document the progress. 
Seriously, it looks like I have triplets inside me. 

That was monday. 

Today (2 days later) I can proudly say the stomach has gone 1/3 away.

1 comment:

  1. Me gustó mucho la última línea del blog de este día jeje
